Returns & Exchanges
We hope you are happy with your Slycker purchase, but understand that you may want to return or exchange items that haven't quite worked out. You have 14 days from delivery to request a return and a further 14 days to return the items to us.
All goods are inspected before the refund is applied or exchange items sent.
- Item(s) must be in pristine condition
- Item(s) must show no signs of wear
- We are not responsible for risk of loss or damage during return shipment
We do our best to accept all returns, but in the event that we are unable to accept a return due to unsuitable condition the item(s) will be returned to sender.
How to return or exchange an item:
Download the return/exchange form here and follow the steps provided.
For exchanges, your replacement items should be shipped within 2 days of receipt of the returned goods, provided the requested items are in stock at time of receipt. If the golf polo shirt you have selected as a replacement is not in stock, we will contact you to advise other item options.
For refunds, please allow 10 working days for payment to be processed. Original shipping costs are not refunded.
For questions please contact